How to use your Tax Return to improve your home from Coates Bros.
Tax season is here! How are you going to use that extra chunk of change? Paying off holiday expenses? Weekend getaway? Getting lost in Target or late night splurging on Amazon? While these are all… well some of them are great ideas, our commercial and residential contractors here at Coates

3 Signs your Commercial Roof Needs Replaced from the Commercial Roofers at Coates Bros. Roofing
As a business owner, the commercial roofers at Coates Bros. know that maintaining your building is one of your top priorities. Owning or running a business or managing a commercial building is incredibly stressful as it is, but if you have a leaking roof, it can cause expensive damage. Replacing

How Winter Weather can Damage your Gutters from the Gutter Professionals at Coates Bros.
Winter can be a beautiful time of year with all the snow and ice. However, while icicles hanging from your home or building might look pretty, they can cause damage to your gutters. The gutter pros at Coates Bros. has seen many cases where ice and snow damage to gutters

5 Tips on How to Prepare for your Roof Replacement from Coates Bros. Roofing
So you’ve decided you need your whole roof replaced. Now what? Getting a new roof can be intimidating because, at least hopefully, homeowners don’t really go through it very often. Knowing what you’re getting into can help you feel better about the project, but it can also help your roof

3 Signs you Need Roof Repairs from the Roofing Experts at Coates Bros.
When was the last time you took a good hard look at the roof on your home or commercial building? It can be hard to tell from the ground if your roof is in need of repairs. To help you make sure you’re not missing any tell-tale signs of damage,

3 Reasons Why your New Year’s Resolution should be to get a New Roof Installed by Coates Bros. Roofing
It’s hard to believe that 2019 has already flown by. With 2020 coming, many people are starting to make their New Year’s Resolutions. If you haven’t decided on a resolution yet, consider making it to get a new roof installed by Coates Bros Roofing! There are many benefits to getting