Top 3 Causes of Shingle Damage to Look for This Summer from the Roofing Repair Pros at Coates Bros.

May 18, 2024

Summer is finally here! It seems like we waited forever to enjoy warm, sunny weather. However, while you enjoy this summer’s activities, don’t forget to keep an eye out for shingle damage on your roof. A leaking roof will ruin your summer plans. To help you be aware of potential damage on your roof, the roofing repair pros at Coates Bros are sharing the top 3 causes of summer roofing damage.

1.       High humidity

Northeast Ohio is notorious for experiencing high levels of humidity in the summer. Constant high humidity can cause moisture to settle between your shingles. Under your shingles, your roofing deck, which is typically made of wood, can rot over time if it stays wet. Our roofing repair pros are fully aware of how humid our summers can be, so give us call to talk to one of them about how we can help protect your shingles from humidity damage.

2.       Heat damage

Your roof takes in a ton of sunlight during the summer months. That’s a lot of heat directly hitting your shingles! We all know that the sun’s rays can cause certain materials to get so hot that they fade, warp or even crack. Older shingles or a roof that already has some damage can be extremely vulnerable to heat damage during the summer. If your shingles take too much heat for days at a time, they can become dry and brittle which may cause them to crack. Our roofing pros install some of the highest quality shingles that are manufactured to withstand extreme heat. To learn more about these materials, call our office to talk to someone in our residential roofing department!

3.       Storm Damage

We may not live in Tornado Alley, but Ohio is definitely no stranger to serious storms. Summer can bring some incredibly destructive storms which can take major tolls on a roof. No matter how old or new your roof is, all structures can be vulnerable to storm damage. However, older or already compromised roofs are definitely more susceptible to storm damage. If your roof hasn’t been repaired or replaced in a couple decades, it would be smart to call our roofing pros to take a look and see if repairs or a replacement should be made. Our estimates are free, so you have nothing to lose! But don’t worry – if your roof is damaged in a summer storm, our roofing repair pros are experts in getting your roof back to good as new.

There are multiple things the summer can bring that might put your roof to the test, but these three are the most common issues we’ve seen. We don’t want you to stress this summer, so give our residential roofing pros a call to have them take a look at your roof. We’ll give you a free estimate to help make sure your roof stays solid all summer long. Call us at 440-322-1343 or fill out a contact form on our website!